Make Nine in 2018

Have you seen the "gentle challenge" Rochelle New of Home Row Fiber Co. issued makers? It's primarily active on Instagram, and I've found it very inspiring. I don't know about you, but I can be pretty overwhelmed by my Ravelry pattern library. It seems like every week there is a new Knit Along or pattern being published that is all the rage and must be cast on immediately. I purchase the patterns with every intention to knit them ASAP. And there they sit. Waiting, and waiting, and waiting. 

Bubble Cowl

 (Bubble Cowl by Oranjehouse)
As soon as I saw the Make Nine 2018 challenge I felt moved to visit my pattern library and do some serious thinking about what I would like to knit this year. It's one thing to snap up a pattern and dream about the perfect yarn and quite another to actually cast on and complete said pattern. I immediately started following the hashtag #makenine2018 on Instagram to see what others were including in their grids. 

(Jelly Rolls Sweater by Orangeknits)

I don't know about you, but my library is brimming with beautiful, inspired patterns made using lovely yarns. I want to knit them all. Since I know my knitting time is seriously limited I decided to get serious about selecting nine patterns I would truly like to prioritize this year. I also know that one of the biggest deterrents to me sitting down to knit is making decisions. What to knit? What yarn to use? Where are my needles? If the decisions are largely already made, I'm hoping I'll be more productive this year. I don't just want to knit more, though, I want to enjoy my knitting and my finished projects.

I started with only patterns I had already purchased and then asked the following three questions:

Is this pattern something I would actually love to wear?

Is this pattern something I already have yarn for?

Is this pattern inspiring me to dye yarn I can't wait to get my hands on?

(Comfort Fade Cardi by Dreareneeknits)

If I could honestly say YES! to all three questions the pattern went into my make 9 file. By the time I was done looking at all 259 patterns in my library I was more than overwhelmed. There are so many talented and amazing designers, and I love purchasing their patterns. I wish I had time to knit them all, and maybe someday I'll knit something from every designer in my library.

Below is a list of what I chose with pattern names and designers listed below the image. All patterns can be purchased on Ravelry. Instagram user names have been listed in parenthesis. My number one knitting/creativity goal for this year is to enjoy myself. If something comes up that I know I would love to have or want to knit...this list can be changed easily. If I cast on one of these projects and don't enjoy knitting it...whoosh! Away it goes. Likewise, it's a stretch to think I'll have time to knit 3 shawls, 2 cardigans, and 2 sweaters in one year. Whatever I don't complete this year will go on my list for next year. No problem. 

1. Bubble Cowl by Antonia Shankland (oranjehouse)

2. Comfort Fade Cardi by Andrea Mowry (dreareneeknits)

3. Stellaire by Lesley Anne Robinson (knitgraffiti)

4. Hollows by Melody Hoffmann (mandarins)

5. Jelly Rolls Sweater by Mara Katherine (orange knits)

6. Portage by Melissa Schaschwary (dandiliongirl)

7. Starfall by Jenn Steinglass (

8. Fairy Lights Socks by Helen Stewart (curioushandmade)

9. Goldfish Memory Shawl by Casa Pink (casapinka)


I'm really looking forward to a year of knitting beautiful, thoughtful patterns. What are your knitting goals this year? I'd love to hear about them. 


Heather Jane

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