Scandi Bloom Knit Along

Scandi Bloom Knit Along

a collage of the scandi bloom cowl and the yarn options

Planning to Join the Scandi Bloom Cowl KAL with Jana of Purl Together? She's dropping her first YouTube video on Friday, June 2nd. Be sure to subscribe to her channel for all the awesome content she is providing for this KAL (and all the other fun stuff she does.)

You don't need to sign up or add your name to any lists to participate. Just get your yarn and pattern ready and head over to YouTube for the awesome tutorials. Then share on Ravelry and Instagram (by tagging @sewhappyjane or @purl_together) and using the #scandibloomkal hashtag. 

If you want to win prizes you'll want to be on our email lists so you can get the information about how to enter. 

Here's the schedule for the KAL (Knit Along).

Friday, June 2nd:

Swatching Information Video on the Purl Together You Tube Channel. Jana will share some details about how to swatch in the round with colorwork and stripes so you can cast on with confidence. Swatch over the weekend so you're ready for cast on day. 

Tuesday, June 6th:

Cast On Day! Today Jana will share TWO videos on her YouTube Channel. Provisional cast on two ways. With and without a crochet hook. 


Managing Yarn for Colorwork in the Round.

Tuesday, June 13th:

Live zoom Check In with Heather and Jana. Newsletter subscribers will be emailed a link to participate, so be sure you're on our newsletter lists. (Yes, there will be some fun prizes for those who attend live and share their WIP's!)



Tuesday, June 27th:

Create a mobius twist and cast off with the Kitchener in the round video on Jana's YouTube Channel.

Date TBD:

Live Zoom Cast Off Party with Heather and Jana. Show off your finished cowl.

Friday, July 14th:

Deadline to submit finished projects for prizes. More information to come on how this will work. 

Can't wait to see your Scandi Blooms!!